Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Northern Lights SADD Conference

I had one of the most incredible experiences over this past weekend and the beginning of this week. I traveled to Jamestown, North Dakota to attend the Northern Lights SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) Conference.

I arrived in Jamestown on Saturday. I had applied to be on the Northern Light Advisory Board (NLAB). This board is made up of 12 members and are the student representatives of the tri-state Northern Lights Region of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota. When I arrived in Jamestown I was able to meet many other students from across the region. After settling into our hotel rooms all of the 20 candidates traveled to Jamestown College for Leadership Training. We spent the day there having discussions about NLAB and SADD. We also had played some ice breaker and leadership games. We had a blast! After our day of training we enjoyed a meal from Jamestown College and were able to have a tour of the campus. After our long day we made our way to Wal-Mart to end the day with a hilarious game. I had to find the 10 cheapest items in Wal-Mart in 45 minutes. Guess what?? I only spent $2.77. :) We had a great day and I was very excited to meet amazing new people!

Sunday I was up early. I had an interview with the Board of Directors and a little help preparing the my speech. My interview went very well! After my busy morning I attended church with a couple of great girls! After we got back from church we had a fabulous lunch at the Civic Center and waited until our SADD Chapter's Arrived. While waiting for my SADD Chapter I was able to meet many different teens from across the states. I shared a little info about my platform with some other teens and had a blast getting to know other member involved with SADD. My SADD Chapter arrived around 5:30 and the rest of night was filled with amazing presentations and activities.

Monday I had the opportunity of giving two hour long workshops on my platform, "It's No Joke, Say NO to Smoke." I shared a powerpoint and a video of the interviews I had conducted with my grandfather who was diagnosed with COPD and my Dad who is also a current smoker. The workshops were a great success. I was able to hand out 24 campaign packets to different SADD Chapters around ND, SD, and MN in which they will be able to take back to their hometown to implement "It's No Joke, Say NO to Smoke" in their schools! I'm very excited about that! That night we attended a Town Hall Meeting in which SADD addressed the issue of Underage Drinking. It was so incredible to witness all of the teens stand up to an important issue. It was very moving! The rest of the day was filled with speakers. I also had the opportunity to go on stage and sing a little bit! The day was busy and filled with incredible memories!

Tuesday was my last day at the Conference. This day I gave my NLAB speech to the SADD members from across the region. After speeches were concluded we all enjoyed a yummy banquet dinner. After enjoying a great meal the NLAB was announced. I sat nervously awaiting. My name was the first called and I was very relieved and excited all at the same time. I made my way up to the stage and received hugs and congratulations from the directors of NL SADD. I then had 11 others join me on stage as they were called to the stage. Many tears were shed and it was a very exciting time! The 800 people that were there ended our day together with a candle light ceremony. This was my highlight of the trip! I had the privilege after being announced as an NLAB member for 10-11 of helping light these 800 candles. After the entire room was lit with light we all lifted our candles high symbolizing that we will all make good decision together and we will make it our goal to have other's join us!

The conference was so incredible! I am so confident to share with you that Northern Light's SADD future is so bright! I can't wait to serve them on the NLAB this next year! It is such a huge honor. I look forward to watching the future unfold!

Special thanks to!
SADD Board of Directors
Lee Erickson
Shelley Bunkowske
Melissa Bunkowske
SADD Officers of PHS

God Bless!

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